
Waahhhh I'm really itching to post some new stories and continuations of "Nang Dahil Sa Cellphone AU." And the caffeine adrenaline that flows through me is really something else tonight!! Should I let my intrusive thoughts win this time?


Waahhhh I'm really itching to post some new stories and continuations of "Nang Dahil Sa Cellphone AU." And the caffeine adrenaline that flows through me is really something else tonight!! Should I let my intrusive thoughts win this time?


Hellow fellow reader! I'll published a new story (but technically it's one of my old AU in twitter/x) tonight! I'm planning to published it fully but I guess that's not gonna happen today due to important happningz so instead of a one shot AU, I'll be adding some more chapters to it! Wish me luck to continue adding more chapters to this story and hoping that this won't end up to my old previous on-going stories that I've posted in my Twitter account for a year and two