
Hey guys! So my latest, Be Still and Know, is halfway finished. For those of you reading, if you have any comments, suggestions or opinions on how you are finding the story so far, or what you don't like about it please let me know :) this will help me later in editing. Also, I'm aware the story got off  to a shaky start, I know it was incredibly difficult for me to write, but if you have a ny suggestions on how I can polish it to make it a better beginning, please feel free to post a message here or privately :) please share, vote and comment, and if there is anything cool you guys feel I should be checking out , share a link :)  


Hey guys! So my latest, Be Still and Know, is halfway finished. For those of you reading, if you have any comments, suggestions or opinions on how you are finding the story so far, or what you don't like about it please let me know :) this will help me later in editing. Also, I'm aware the story got off  to a shaky start, I know it was incredibly difficult for me to write, but if you have a ny suggestions on how I can polish it to make it a better beginning, please feel free to post a message here or privately :) please share, vote and comment, and if there is anything cool you guys feel I should be checking out , share a link :)  


Hey guys! So I'm back, and in no better time with halloween just around the corner. The first chapter  of my current short story, Be still and Know, is now published and available to read so please read and tell me what you think. If you like what you see, please share :) thank you.


Dear readers and writers, Coachman's Acre is finally complete and although I will now edit it, the unedited version will remain here! Please stay tuned for more short stories and paranormal fiction, in the meantime i look forward to reading more from all of you :)


Coachman's Acre is drawing to a close! If you have read some of the story so far the n check out the closing short chapters and  chilling climax. If you do read, please vote, comment and share :) i gladly appreciate your support so far, thank you,