
Ok guys, chill. Sometimes people are a dickhead and sometimes people are worse but still y'all need to chill. Like at first fair enough she deserved it we told her how to change and if she refused it that's her fault and when we grow bigger than her on Wattpad and she falls that's when she will change. We tried but now we are literally harassing her. Dump your thoughts on this account and bully me instead just now maybe it's time to stop before it goes to far.


@The_LinxYT >•< plus she has gotten innocent accts on here wrongly suspended or banned >•<


@The_LinxYT >•< Dude, We have reported her several times and wattpad hasn't done anything to get rid of her. She keeps coming back! No matter what we do! >•<


@DailyTeaNews Plus there's a nice feature called the REPORT button im sure the 500 people who read your book will be willing to report her and you do realize if all her new accounts get reported Wattpad will recognise her IP know she's banned and IP ban her meaning if she makes a new account on her internet provider she can't