I'm not good with words and I know what I wrote doesn't really make sense.. but I hope it helps someone or makes them feel better anyways.. I feel like this is kinda needed- but to anyone reading this.. You are amazing and awesome. You deserve so many good things and I'm sorry for all the bad things that have happened to you. You are such a kind and caring person, you deserve better. You don't deserve to be treated badly when you're really are amazing and help so many people by just existing, you're amazing at what you do and you can reach your goals and achieve whatever you desire, a lot of people love and care about you even if you haven't met them yet, I know it's not a lot but I hope it helps to know that you have made so many lives better by just existing, life can hurt and knock you to your knees if you let it.. but you are stronger than that and you are capable, you're doing great and a lot of people appreciate you just existing, for being there for them, or even just saying hi to someone. You do so much and you can take a break if you need it because you work so hard, it doesn't have to be a job, it doesn't have to be making food, it can even be just getting through life and it's troubles, so if you need a break please take one, a lot of people care about you. There's always sunshine after a storm, if it last 1 hour or 1 minute, there will always be sunshine at the end of a storm.