Wow, where did I disappear to? So, here's my current update. School takes priority, that's really all there is to say, and with college just around the corner it's hard to look back on a work from a few years ago and really commit to sitting down and spending the due time to work on it when life is already busy as it is.
On another note, I have another idea that's been swirling around in my mind that I would like to begin fleshing out more. I've always had a problem with starting something and then starting something else before I've finished the first thing I was working on. But hey, my mind doesn't really work by my rules sometimes.
Anyways, I most likely will not be posting much of that here on Wattpad, perhaps snippets here and there. I would really like to focus on this being a completed, formal work that I plan to send to publishers.
As always, thank you for the support despite my absence.