Heyyo, I wanted to take the time to write this long awaited text. You’re SUPER talented! I swear. And your stories are the most unconventionally satisfying and heart warming books I’ve ever read. It connects to us in such a deep level, Alice if life kinda stuff. Idk what I’m saying but I’m trying to word how much I love your approach to portraying not only characters but also the setting they love in. I love how you show the raw truth to life and how twisted of a situations people could end up being in, and u filtered psychological reactions and dilemmas they face as a result, but still how kind and beautiful people can be at the same time. I absolutely love the portrayal of Ahren, you’re setting standards to how you should expect someone to love you. Most books I’ve read hear glorify toxic qualities, but you make gentleness sound so appealing and make it such an attractive quality! I absolutely love all characters! Fox is one of my most favourite protagonists, if not, the most favourite! Please never stop writing, the days you update are the some of the days I look forward to most with each passing month, and when I go back and read a chapter I remember how I started reading this book, after moving to different country. I read it at the airport, and now I’ve found love myself, a man like Ahren sorta haha, this let me establish standards for myself and find a deeper meaning with what I would like to have when thinking about love. Well lmao sorry for the long text, but what I wanna say is, you’re AMAZING❤️