Hello everyone. My name is Cailean. I write both fanfictions and original work.

136 Years is a letter written by a vampire to his lover back when he was a human. It has been 136 years since he and his lover parted, but she is still the only thing he can think about.
  • انضمMarch 15, 2012


قصص بقلم Cailean
136 Years (Complete) بقلم DementedDemon16
136 Years (Complete)
It's been so long since I've been okay... . It was the day that it was really driven home like a stake throug...
Escape From Evil بقلم DementedDemon16
Escape From Evil
First book of five. Acheron, ultimate Assassin of Dalkia, is charged with a job that he can't take. Without s...
2 قوائم قراءة