
Hey Half-bloods! 
          	My new dragon ball Fanfiction “Callion! Path of the Unknown!” Is out now. It is part 3 of my Callion series and I’m so excited about the reception of my last two parts! Let’s run this up!


Alright so I’ve been really focused on a recent story that I’ve been working on. I want to finish it completely before posting it in full. If you’re all wondering what it’s about, it will be called Celebrity University: Year One. Take that info and come up with your own conclusion. I think the story will be amazing and I hope you all enjoy it as well.


The final chapter of Unlocked: Demigod has been released. I am so excited to let you all know that this project has been amazing to write. It's been such a pleasure writing this for you all and knowing that it has been well received with a little over 200 views! This 14-chapter story has given me the second most views next to my dragon ball fanfiction which is also well received. I don't know when I'll be working on Pt 2 for Unlocked: Demigod because I honestly don't have any ideas for it yet. If you all got any ideas, let me know! For everyone that's been rocking with me so far, thank you. Seriously thank you.
          Shoutout to my friends in Vision Mobs (VMS) for being here for me and supporting me. Also shoutout to @kimreads2 for being an amazing friend with loads of support and advice. 
          I look forward to showing you all more of my creativity and progress!


Chapter 17 for Under The Moonlight: The Forbidden Forest has been released! This is the second chapter I've posted this week! I'm so excited and I'm so sorry for the hiatus. I promise I'm back on this story and won't be off it for a while! I'm trying to finish all of my published stories. I've so far finished 2/4 of my published stories and this one might possibly be nearing its end...
          Who knows?
          Anyway, enjoy!


Chapter 17 for Element Oasis: Project Zero has been released. I didn't get the opportunity to post on Thursday so I posted chapter 17 today and Chapter 18 will be posted at 12am on Saturday... as in tomorrow. No delays!
          I want to say thank you to everyone who is supporting this project so far. It has been an amazing journey and I'm excited to see and can't wait for my close friends VMS_Ke and VMS_Don to finish their part of the story as well.


Hello everyone, this will be a long announcement but I want to say that I have finished writing E.O. Project Zero! It is completely done and right now I'm just thinking about doing a part two with the guys. It makes me so happy to finally be able to finish something that I've put my all into.
          First, thanks for all the support I've been getting on this story. This story really means a lot to me and I hope it reaches more ears than my other stories. I've spent many hours staying up writing even though I had work in the morning so it really makes me happy to finally finish it.
          Second, this story wasn't formed by me alone. It's a group project with my group Vision Mobs (VMS) which consists of 5 members. VMS_Ke and VMS_Don have been amazing in building this world with me and I'm so happy that I could help them with their stories, so please GO Check Their Pages!
          Lastly, even though the story is done, I will still be posting on the days that I'm supposed to post because VMS_Ke and VMS_Don haven't finished their stories yet, but my story is finished there won't be any delays!