@DemonOfADiamond I can give you some advice. I am 24 but I was pressured to find a job after high school. At 17 I had put in many applications and many did not come back with results. But at this very moment, because ppl don't want to work or work from home, businesses want ppl to work. It should be easier. Try an entry-level job basically retail, I would say the service industry as well but it is faster-paced. Go to a place that you go often to so you kind of know the place or you know someone who works there and see if they are taking applications/ hiring. Fill out their application and go back after two days. See if the manager is working and talk to them to say that you are interested in working.
Big tip: when you get an interview if you guys start talking about a common interest you got the job!
I know it is gonna be nerve raking, But when I got my first job I found I had quite the customer service specialist.