
like stranger things? 
          	like steve harrington?
          	well ive got you covered
          	Everybody Wants To Rule The World -Stranger Things Fan Fiction. It involves a family of eight in hawkins, indiana and they multiple love interests with characters Steve, Robin, Will, Eddie and Billy. 
          	Its up on my wall now! 


like stranger things? 
          like steve harrington?
          well ive got you covered
          Everybody Wants To Rule The World -Stranger Things Fan Fiction. It involves a family of eight in hawkins, indiana and they multiple love interests with characters Steve, Robin, Will, Eddie and Billy. 
          Its up on my wall now! 


Hey yall!! 
          My Stranger Things fanfiction is officially live and up! please read it if youre interested and let me know what you think!
          Everybody Wants To Rule The World
          New Chapters will follow soon! I hope you love the O’Malleys as much as i do 


hello everyone! 
          if you watch stranger things, i’m writing a stranger things/steve harrington fan fiction. It is called 
          Everybody Wants To Rule The World. 
          feel free to check it out and let me know what you think! i hope you enjoy it!


I began writing at the age of 12. It was an escape, a way to avoid the abuse and horrible times I suffered through. This past year and a half, I have changed so much. I have grown. I have healed some parts of me that I hid so deeply. Every story, every word, every character I have written-they hold some part of my life. They hold the pain i carry, the tears i've cried, the loss i held, the love i needed, the abuse of my life, the fantasies I wanted for myself. I lost myself for awhile, and when covid began-I completely lost it. I was fighting and struggling with myself, the toxic traits i adopted, the parts of me that I so desperately wanted to rid of, the trauma i've endured. My life as I knew it, completely flipped upside down with me inside. I've grown up some, I've changed mostly mentally and physically. I lost a few people I never knew would leave my life, but for the better, i met and grew close to my now most favorite people in the world. I found a good support system, i am building relationships again with the people i've known from here and from my internet friends day in age. I got out and survived a horrible, intense, abusive relationship and i learned to find the love within myself. I learned to heal. I learned to grow. to this day, i still struggle but not so much anymore. I found myself again. I found the beautiful parts of me, the hidden parts of me i couldnt remember, i am still on my journey and I am still on the way to becoming my full potential, but for now, i can say that i am deeply thankful and grateful to all those whom been in my life back then and right now in this moment. I lived. and i hope to be able to write about it one day, to finally tell everything. my story. but for now, my fictional universe is where i reside and where i am getting back into it. I hope to create stories you all enjoy and love. that you all hold deep in your hearts. to create for you. i will create. i will make my mark in this world. 
          sincerely love,


I’m glad ur ok hun. And taking time to heal. 


Almost finished rewriting The Internship. It was my first fanfiction based off a movie. The first book I was so intensely proud of. I read through it one day, i wasn't happy with how it was written, how sloppy the writing was, how inaccurate and sadly i think a bit offensive to people who struggle with speech and their voices. I rewrote it, did research, put all of my efforts in, busted my ass off to do it. And now, I can proudly say, this is the best story I've ever finished, the best character I have ever grown and the best storyline I have followed. I am so proud of this fanfiction, and even tho it is fanfiction, it is the best story I have ever written. All my years of writing and I have never come as close to writing so well until I rewrote this one. I'm proud of it. Show it some love, give it a try and fall in love with Leia Wilson like I did. I'd love to hear your feedback. After it's all completely finished, I might dabble into rewriting some of my other works-but that is still to be determined. With my other stories, I am sad to say I think Sky Smalls story is over and I probably won't go back to her story. She got me far, she helped me and many others through a tough time. I came up with Sky when I was very young, an alter ego for dissociation of sorts. I was young, hurt, alone and sad. Sky saved me, she gave me a place to escape too when my world was crumbling beneath me. She will always hold a special place in my heart. I hope she does for you too. As for the rest of them, I am still debating. I will go one by one, little by little. I will take my time, I will create, revise and restart. I hope you enjoy. I hope you laugh, cry with me, hold these stories and characters close to you, hope you smile, hope you get excited and content. I hope you fall in love. I will accept all kinds of feedback, especially silly ones or meme ones, and especially helpful tips and advice. I will laugh at the mean ones and enjoy them fiercely.
          Sincerely love,


Hey DemonSkie's I've been reading my only hero and I personally am not triggered by the content but I have really good friends who are triggered by things like that. My own trigger I'll keep to myself but this is me requesting a trigger warning at the beginning of the chapters. I really love your story so far though 


@2ndBreakfast_Witch oh yes, i promise i will, trigger warnings are extremely important and i will add them asap. xoxo