
Hello everyone! It's been a while! I just wanted to tell you that 2 new chapters of my new book, "It's Only the Begening", is out! I'm working on two more chapters and I will post them together or a day apart! I hope you all enjoy the new book idea!


Hello everyone! It's been a while! I just wanted to tell you that 2 new chapters of my new book, "It's Only the Begening", is out! I'm working on two more chapters and I will post them together or a day apart! I hope you all enjoy the new book idea!


if you were killed, i wouldn't be at your funeral. I would be in jail for killing the person the killed you. We are true friends. We ride together, we die together. Send this to everyone including me. See how many times you get this back. I want you to know you're an amazing friend. If I don't get thus back I understand. I have a game for you once you read this, send it to 15 other people. If you get three back you ate loved. Nobody knows hiw important something is until they lose it


          how r y'all? I'm not on WattPad that munch anymore sooo I just wanna see how y'all are! 
          So in my last post, I told y'all about the offer I got for $1000 a month writing books, so theirs a high change my parents are gonna let me take the offer.
          And I'm really excited about it bc my career path is writing, it's my dream to become a author!! So if I'm able to get the deal, $1000 a month, then I will be able to -
          1- Get a car by the end of the year
          2- Put 90% of it into a bank account, and keep $100 with me at all times (just in case I need some money)
          3- Get a gaming computer the first two months
          4- Out everything in my savings so I'd be able to get to collage easier
          5- Publish a book if people are buying my books fast
          Theirs a lot of things I could do, and I need a little help deciding on what I could do, bc at the end of the year, I'll have my drivers license so I'd be able to drive once I get it all by myself
          So can y'all help me? Tell me wut I should do cuz I'm new to all of this!! Thank you and have a wonderful day/night!!!


So, I got an offer for a writing contract. Basically, it said that if I signed up for it, everyone who would pay from my stories, I would get paid for it. I would get paid $1000 a month. That's what the person offering me said anyway. Have any of you gotten something similar to this? I'm not sure what I should do, but I'm very interested in this offer. Tell me what y'all would do please! It would be a big help!


@DemonThyia Also...Hermes is technically the messanger of the Gods...He goes every where with his flying shoes...You probably think I learned this in school but no...I learned it in Percy Jackson and the Olympians...


@DemonThyia She is...But she is also the Goddess of luck...


@Marbear7216 but thank you! Same to you!!!


Haii!!!!!! Sorry I haven't been on latley. The cronavuris and all...  I sorry...!  I haven't really been feeling it but I might start up again!!!!! Hopefully y'all understand!!! Plus, for me schools starting soon and we gotta Wear masks!!!  And I don't get nu hugs at school no morrreeee..... K, baiii


I just wanna say I'm a fan of your work! You have an AMAZING writing style!


@LucaLittleMoon Hello! It's been about two years since you first told me that! I really do appreciate it and I hope I can get your views on a project. I told my readers in a chapter of one of my books that I want them to choose the story that I will write and I told them that I will pick the one with the most creative idea! So I hope I can join in on the fun! :D (p.s. Two years ago I was really, really happy that you told me this! I was having a bit of trouble in school bc for some reason a lot of people in my Honors English class thought that I didn't belong there, So when I saw this comment, I was soo happy! It's great to come back to this and re-read this) :D


@LucaLittleMoon Awww!!!! Thank you!!! I just looked on here after a while of not being in because of being, kinda of out of it for a long while....! I'm glad to hear that you like my writing!!!! :3 my dream is to become an auther on day!!!! Follow your dreamzzz!!!!!! ✨


Sooo...... I want some dares I can do for my Christmas special on YouTube
          YouTube channel- Gacha Demon_plaz
          SoooOoo just watch the video on my channel (if you want to), and give dares to the characters that are named at he end of the video.
          Names for dares--.
          No eyes (Online friend)️‍️‍️‍️‍
          Me in real life✨️‍
          Boyfriend in real life
          And Gacha Demon_plaz
          Sooooooo... Please give dares ti these people, leave the dares in the comments and I'll do them! Thank you!!


REMEMBER-- Once I reach 100 followers, ima give y'all a Face Reveal!! Sooo watch out for that! :> Have a good day/night/evening!


I’m your 100th follower! Congrats ùwú 


I'm having a good night :p


@DemonThyia I bet you is bootiful and you too have a good whatever! XD