
I am looking for a  story that used to be on here. It's a Twilight story where the Cullens leave to hunt Bella stays in their house alone. She steals some of their venom Carlisle is keeping in his makeshift hospital/office. Bella is Jasper's true soulmate
          	Does anyone remember it?


I am looking for a  story that used to be on here. It's a Twilight story where the Cullens leave to hunt Bella stays in their house alone. She steals some of their venom Carlisle is keeping in his makeshift hospital/office. Bella is Jasper's true soulmate
          Does anyone remember it?


Demoniqa Wolfe here for the last time, I have decided that come tomorrow I will be closing this account for good, I have also closed my other account Jaded Wolfe. I would like to thank all of you on here who have made me feel welcome. Recently I have once more received bad feedback on one of my works. I have deleted all of my works I shall be starting again lol on a new account AshleyKOak. I would appreciate if my friends and followers would please follow me on my new account. 
          Once again thank you all for your friendship your support and your kindness.
          Love you all
          Demoniqa Wolfe


@DemoniqaWolfe  Ok so this is the new account


Can I have your attention for a moment please. Someone recently told me that I should give up writing on here. This person said  I am a horrifically terrible writer that I absolutely suck as a writer and if I got published the world would end. I am a little shocked to say that it has bashed my confidence a little, without naming this person I ask you all my Wattpad friends and family to let me know what you think whether I should take this person seriously or not.
          Love and Light
          Blessed Be.
          Demoniqa xx


this message may be offensive
@DemoniqaWolfe DON'T EVER TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!!! I have had people tell me that I suck at it and I just know that it's my way of writing... they can tear it up so that it's better 'their way', but you know that you are good and it's the way 'YOU' want it to be... I know that I suck at writing, but I'm getting better at it as I go along... enjoy writing and have fun with it. :) As the saying goes 'If you can't say something nice... then don't say anything at all' ~ Thumper from 'Bambi'.