
So I'm going to try and post more now that have a break coming up from school, I am excited to work on thing that I enjoy and not school papers blah!


@SarrahAckerman also what would you guys like to see updated the most?


@Joflower thank you oh my gosh it was sooooo good! Are you making a sequel, please I need to know what happens!


Thank you :) I'm glad you liked it.  Akiten has been my favourite character for years, and for years I've been trying to insert her into an original fiction, but she's just not the same without the Juunishi and their bonds.
            I'll be posting it really soon (so today, haha).  This "prequel" is actually new to the story I started years ago (ie, 2005 hahaha).  I stopped writing it when I went to university and have been trying to finish it since.


@Joflower well I like the anime over the manga (it's cheeper Xo) but when I get the chance I LOVE to read!! I just love them all too, I mean how can you choose just one? My otp would have to be Kyo and Tohru, I know everyone likes them but I just find their relationship so cute! I can't wait for your next book to come out!! I am also so glad to have meet another fruba fan, you don't find too many here.


You can read the manga for free on the internet if cost is a factor. (I refer to MangaReader usually than to dig out my manga  because my bookshelf is buried, haha). I know what you mean because Kyo and Tohru's my favourite pairing. I do have a Kyoru fic but the first few chapters need a lot of rewriting because I wrote the first 15 chapters 8 years ago and then returned to finish the story. Yeah, I'm pretty new here and finding other Furuba fans and GOOD furuba fanfics are hard!


YAY! A fellow Furuba fan! Do you prefer the manga or the anime? Favourite pairings? I love ALL the characters so much (Fruits Basket is the only thing I go "fan-girl" over LOL). I'm so excited that you're reading my Fruits Basket fanfics. I hope you like them (especially Akiten--aka "the child of god"... but you won't really get to know her until I post "ShugoTenshi" which will be after I finish posting the prequel "Child of God")