:D yeah. But dad is making drama and won't let Meh get mah licence DX such a dick man haha *does bat man sound music thing* dick man dundundun dick man XD
Hmm, What would Briar think of that little comment of yours? Flirting with her little cousin...thats what this looks like. Didn't know you rolled that way.
BORED. Im so loney on this website now *curls up in emo corner* ugh. I hate it. Now all i can do is read on this website!(yes im aware thats what wattpad was made for) i need to start joining rps again....
Im not a city kid at all i FUCKINGG HATE IT HERE, well besides the wifi and signal. I also over heard my mom and dad talking about getting me a phone for christmas! So fuckking happy about that.
Who's Gaige?? Anyway i hope we get a house soon so i can come down there sooner and get my puppies and hug you, lexi, lil shawn, terra and meko to death XD.
Imma try to be more active my bootiful persons! ^-^ I've just been busy recently and unable to get online. I'm also supposed to be moving back to my hometown (*fingers crossed*) but sadly I still don't have a phone so I won't be able to get online more.