へっぉおおお!!! ぺおppぇええ!!!
Oi oi oi, hmmm...... I don't know what to write, ummmmm...... I guess I should start with likes?
. Writing
. Reading
. Drawing
. Singing
. Anime
. Dancing
. Myself..........
Things I don't like.
. In proper grammar
. Fake people
. Racism
. Pedophile (unless it's a ship)
. Homophobes
(This list could go on for ages)Uh. English is not my only language. Well...here let me elaborate I grew up around a lot of English, (obvs) Hispanic, Japanese, and Jamaicans. So uh. I kinda speak a little of all my English is not the best but I try so that's really all that matters. I'm African American mixed Asian I have Indian in me. I've always wanted to go to Tokyo Japan, just turned 18. What else, Oh. Wait one more thing...
TO ALL THE DUMB ASS BULLIES OUT THERE THAT THINK IT'S FUNNY OR THINKS THAT IT MAKES YOU LOOK COOL TO FUCKING MAKE A PERSON FEEL SMALLER THAN THEY ALREADY ARE CUS COMPARED TO THE UNIVERSES, STARS, GALAXIES, EVERY THING ELSE IN THE UNIVERSE BUT YOU, WE. Are JUST. SPECS. THAT'S IT. THAT'S ALL WE ARE JUST TINY SPECS OF DUST BEING RESERVED IN A SPHERICAL OBJECT THAT REVOLVES AROUND OTHER Lilliputian circular objects in a circle as if that isn't ironic enough, here you Come just prancing your way around the minuscule area your in just to stumble a cross that one person that has been through to much already and make them feel even less of themselves
to the point to where they don't want to feel. They don't want to feel anything any more, just want it to be done over with so they do the only logical thing that there microscopically clustered mind can handle, and kill themselves.
How does it feel to know that that person, who had a right to live as much as any one of us just committed suicide because of you. So technically that is considered merder. Nice knowing you just killed a person isn't it?
Now just because I'm saying all of this don't look down on urself. look up to what ure going to become.
  • JoinedMarch 28, 2020

Last Message
Demontry_emo_reom Demontry_emo_reom Jan 03, 2021 10:23PM
Just wanted to clear something up on my profile bio or whatever, on my dislikes it said pedophile. I didn't like that it is bad a real no no, what i mean when I say only if its a  ship is only if its...
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