
Still am here, I'm just working to wrap up the NSE series before continuing work on my other stories.


(Not so evil spoilers, look away now if not caught up)
          I'm certainly not the first to make an undertale story that includes alternate universes, and going at this for a while now I think it's time we pay some respects to the classics


Sorry i haven't really been updating for the last week or two i just got a bit burnt out and need a small break, worry not though I'll get back to it in short time


Thank you I really appreciate it, worked hard for many hours to write it. Good to hear someone appreciates the effort 


Hey I just started reading “not so evil” and the chapters are very good and the story is long might be good for 2 or 3 weeks to finish it but I just wanted to say that your story so far is very good.


As not so evil is reaching its final stretch things are going to become crazy real quick. The biggest plays ever having been written by me, and if anyone thinks it wouldn't be realistic... It's a story about a several hundred year old girl rescued by a man who turned out to be an archangel, where was the realism ever


As I'm sure anyone who actually reads these has noticed I've began writing again to an extreme. In time I will be making a spinoff series starring the Character just introduced in the chapter Oliver, once I finish the main story. As well as Ebott Chronicle which will be a short stories spinoff featuring different character's points of view. Covering their POV both during the events in the story as well as before and after. More information will be coming eventually on both of those.


"Peace is all I want and here is where I sit, until the cows come marching home I won't move an inch. Until I'm overcome with confidence and steel then I'll pick up right where I left off I promise I will" - Demun Jones