
I'm sorry for the delay, but work hasn't allowed me to do much, anyway, tonight I'll upload more chapters, and as far as subtracting power from Rimuru I know that it's something they don't like, although, to be honest, I don't It is my fault that he is "the Goku of the Isekai" hahahaha but believe me that this is very justified in the story, you will see it at the end of it
          	As salt I hope you have had a very good start to the year
          	And yes, my English is very bad, so I have to use a translator hahahaha


@Dened28  hey dude Check PM I want to ask you something 


I'm sorry for the delay, but work hasn't allowed me to do much, anyway, tonight I'll upload more chapters, and as far as subtracting power from Rimuru I know that it's something they don't like, although, to be honest, I don't It is my fault that he is "the Goku of the Isekai" hahahaha but believe me that this is very justified in the story, you will see it at the end of it
          As salt I hope you have had a very good start to the year
          And yes, my English is very bad, so I have to use a translator hahahaha


@Dened28  hey dude Check PM I want to ask you something 


Hola a Todos, perdon por la aucencia, pero debido a problemas de fuerza mayor perdi informacion (se daño el disco duro de mi PC y perdi casi todo) y no tuve PC hasta hoy, asi que me podnre a trabajar para reponer el tiempo perdido, les pido disculpas por todo y me pondre a seguir trabajando, Saludos a Todos y gracias por su comprencion


@ elalien12  es algo que solo el autor sabe XD 


@ Dened28   Jajaja  el karma  XD 