
Algunos libros nos hacen soñar, otros nos acercan a la realidad,pero ninguno puede huir de aquello que es más importante para un autor:la honestidad para con lo que escribe. 
          	Paulo Coelho
          	Once minutos dedicatoria 


Denisse~~Thanx for choosing to follow me. Though I do not write in Spanish, I am Hispanic myself--my original family came into New Mexico (Santa Fe)  from Mexico with the Onate Expedition in 1597.
          Check out just the Prologue of my story "WICCA Girl."

          Hope we stay connected. Message me anytime about my works , your works, Life. Love, (sex), or just the art of writing.


Hey Denisse~~Welcome to Wattpad. I hope you find this site as wild and wonderful as I have for the past 9 months. And thanx for voting on "WICCA Girl."
          I hope you take a look at some of my other stories as well later and that we stay connected.