
take care of yourself


hie I moved accs and changed name to kali


sometimes I will go to bed at 1 but like that's very rare


I still sleep late sometimes usually I'll sleep at 3 am 



this message may be offensive
I suck ass at letters, I don't know how I did it back then but anyway I'm really happy we are talking again, talking to you feels so comforting for some reason. I hope days for you haven't been that hard cause you deserve happy days ^^ I want to be there for you if you have bad days, I would stay up all night just for you idc about my sleep but don't worry I will still be getting some rest !! emiko you're my moon and I'm the person who looks at the moon at night admiring the beauty aka your beauty !! :p the moon always catches my eyes and that's what you did when we first started talking, you were an Irene fc and I was a lovelyz su-jeong? yeah I think that's who I was but I can't believe how far our relationship has gone but I'm happy that I met you. October will always and forever be a special month for me I love October because of you ♡ I love you emiko I love you so much, remember to always take care of yourself eat all your food and drink water && no matter what happens I want you to know that you'll always be in my heart and mind. it's very impossible to not think of you and have you in my thoughts, you know that? yet again I love you and I will always love you 