
Teaser for the next chapter:
          	“Wait, the Great War? Do you mean the war that destroyed the entire world? That Great War?” Six asked in shock.
          	“The same one,” Loona answered.
          	“But, if you were alive during the Great War, that would make you…”
          	“Over 200 years old?” Loona asked, “ Well, it's 225 to be more precise. 226 this year. The only reason I survived for so long was because of those stupid Vaults, but, I don’t really want to talk about it. Come to think of it, I don’t really want to talk much about my past at all.”


@TheLambdaRebel107 Also just putting it out there, if you or anyone else has a potential chapter idea, let me know and I may include it. You will be credited, naturally. You don't need to do so, but I do like to hear what my readers have to say.


@TheLambdaRebel107 The whole situation will be explained in more detail in a much later chapter.


@TheLambdaRebel107 It was the only way I could think of to explain how she got cryogenically frozen.


Teaser for the next chapter:
          “Wait, the Great War? Do you mean the war that destroyed the entire world? That Great War?” Six asked in shock.
          “The same one,” Loona answered.
          “But, if you were alive during the Great War, that would make you…”
          “Over 200 years old?” Loona asked, “ Well, it's 225 to be more precise. 226 this year. The only reason I survived for so long was because of those stupid Vaults, but, I don’t really want to talk about it. Come to think of it, I don’t really want to talk much about my past at all.”


@TheLambdaRebel107 Also just putting it out there, if you or anyone else has a potential chapter idea, let me know and I may include it. You will be credited, naturally. You don't need to do so, but I do like to hear what my readers have to say.


@TheLambdaRebel107 The whole situation will be explained in more detail in a much later chapter.


@TheLambdaRebel107 It was the only way I could think of to explain how she got cryogenically frozen.


Just had a run-in with a snake a few hours ago. I was wandering around my grandma's farm with my mom, aunt, and younger cousin when it came out of some weeds. We both gave each other a jump scare and we both reacted accordingly. the snake lashed out and I hightailed it out of there like my life depended on it. Luckily I was wearing boots when It happened or else I wouldn't be writing this. The only I have to worry about is a sore left foot from where its head smacked my food hard. It gives me a good idea for my NV story though, so stay tuned for that.


@TheLambdaRebel107 Don't worry, Six was wearing boots too, so he didn't get any venom. He did end up hurting his foot on a rock though.


@DennisPanting oh, that's scary.
            Hope that whatever idea it gave you won't involve any amputations.


Well, today's the day I finally get my wisdom teeth removed. Wish me luck. Hopefully I can get more writing done while recovering.


@Woofy291 Just came back. One side of my face is completely numb and I can only eat soft food for a few days. But I think I'll be fine.


I have no idea why I wrote this but It's gonna be part of the next chapter.
          “You Legion fuckers are all the same,” Loona continued, “You like to act tough and walk all over people, but the moment someone decides they don’t agree with how you operate, the only thing you can do is try to get rid of them, because you’re nothing but a bunch of insecure babies who’s only true call to fame is ripping off a far more successful empire that existed thousands of years ago.”
          “HOW DARE YOU!!!” The legionnaire roared angrily, furious that this ‘worthless mutt’ was daring to insult the Legion.
          “Aww, is the wittle baby gwumpy?” Loona asked in a condescending tone, “Does someone need a bottle of milk and a blanky?”
          The legionnaire was spluttering in rage trying and failing to come up with a comeback. Six was chuckling to himself thinking the whole thing was quite funny. The other two legionnaires present were unable to contain themselves and were on the ground howling with laughter.


@DennisPanting damn I was not expecting this at all, but I love it!! XD


          How've you been? :)


@Woofy291 I know. I should have it out withing two weeks, hopefully sooner. I'll probably also write some more for Island's curse as well. Lord knows it's been ages since I updated that last, and I do not like leaving a story unfinished.


@DennisPanting Oooh, I like the sound of that!!! I've been dying to read more of Six and Loona's story!!


@Woofy291 hope you get better soon. Hopefully, I'll have something to make you feel better soon.


I know I just published a chapter for my Fallout NV book but here's a little preview for the next chapter.
          Before the guard could finish his rant, a gunshot broke the silence of the night, and the guard fell to the ground, a nice little hole in the side of his head. Within moments, the entire camp was awake and looking around trying to pinpoint where the sniper was. While they were looking another shot rang out, nailing a second legionnaire in the forehead. The legionnaires immediately turned toward the direction the bullet came from only to see a shadowy figure darting in the opposite direction.
          “There he is!”
          “After him!”
          A good portion of the camp took off after the figure leaving only a few men to guard the prisoners. At first, Loona was confused as to who would be crazy enough to try and attack an entire legion camp, when she remembered that there was one person she could think of who was crazy enough. Six. He must have survived the legion ambush. Now Loona hoped he could survive a whole war party of pissed-off legionnaires trying to kill him.


@DennisPanting Ya Six'll be fine, taking on a horde of bloodthirsty legionaries is child's play for him


So, I'm pretty sure you all noticed that I have a less-than-stellar reputation when it comes to updating my stories. Most people would assume I can't come up with ideas for stories. The thing is, I actually have a lot of story ideas. But being autistic along with having ADHD makes it difficult to focus on one thing. Not to mention how easy it is for me to get distracted. I do have medication that kinda helps but I don't want to be reliant on pills my whole life plus a loss of appetite isn't exactly good. Not to mention some scenes like epic fights are much easier for me to write than more mundane scenes. Don't worry. I am NOT quitting my stories. I fully intend to finish what I started. But updates are going to be very irregular so try to be patient with me.


@DennisPanting I have ADHD and autism too, so I can't blame you


Ok, so I know I haven't been updating my stories as of late and I honestly have no excuse. So to make it up to you, I plan to start my Fallout: New Vegas story sometime this month as well as upload a new chapter for Island curse, I just don't know when. And no this is not an Aprils Fools prank. I hate those sorts of pranks.