
New teaser...
          	“Now you listen here mister, them quack doctors can say what they want about all the radscorpion stings that done pierced my skull. I know what I saw,” No-Bark snapped at Six.
          	“Well, first of all, congrats for surviving so many radscorpions” Six remarked, impressed that No-Bark was even alive, “But that’s not why I was hoping to speak with you. According to Alice, you were snooping around the corrals last, and we were hoping that you could tell us if you had any idea what might be killing the brahmin.”
          	“I know exactly what is killing them brahmin. Its the work of the chupacabra, the livestock vampire. I come face to face with the chupacabra himself one night whilst I was investigating whether this gecko was hiding his treasure from me. He was the meanest, ugliest chupacabra you could imagine. Had two heads, and fangs down to the ground. Best I could tell, anyways, since when he come up to me he was invisible. Had himself a blunderbuss what would rotate and shoot bullets real fast out of a backpack. Never seen nothing like it. Walked right past me having an argument with somebody. But I only saw the one chupacabra, so I guess the other fella had to be invisible too. Only more invisible than the other one,” No bark answered.


New teaser...
          “Now you listen here mister, them quack doctors can say what they want about all the radscorpion stings that done pierced my skull. I know what I saw,” No-Bark snapped at Six.
          “Well, first of all, congrats for surviving so many radscorpions” Six remarked, impressed that No-Bark was even alive, “But that’s not why I was hoping to speak with you. According to Alice, you were snooping around the corrals last, and we were hoping that you could tell us if you had any idea what might be killing the brahmin.”
          “I know exactly what is killing them brahmin. Its the work of the chupacabra, the livestock vampire. I come face to face with the chupacabra himself one night whilst I was investigating whether this gecko was hiding his treasure from me. He was the meanest, ugliest chupacabra you could imagine. Had two heads, and fangs down to the ground. Best I could tell, anyways, since when he come up to me he was invisible. Had himself a blunderbuss what would rotate and shoot bullets real fast out of a backpack. Never seen nothing like it. Walked right past me having an argument with somebody. But I only saw the one chupacabra, so I guess the other fella had to be invisible too. Only more invisible than the other one,” No bark answered.


Slight change of plans. Instead of Come Fly With Me being the next chapter. I will do a short filler chapter focusing on Six learning a little more about the Repconn test site and completing the unmarked quest The Screams of the Brahmin. Come Fly With me will come next and may or may not be a two-parter


@DennisPanting  okay, cool. I'm sure it will be worth it. 


Chapter 9 Of Hellhound in New Vegas is out.


@DennisPanting wait! i didn't get a notifcation either. whatthe hell?


@DennisPanting LOL what, I didn't even get a notification for it.
            Thanks Wattpad. 


Is anyone else having trouble with the notifications in Wattpad? For some reason, the site only notifies me when an author I follow makes an announcement or releases a new story, but not when a story in my library gets updated. I've had this issue for a week now and I'm sick of it.


@Woofy291 Try going to the settings, click on notifications, and check the box that says, Users you follow upload a story.


@Woofy291 That's sucks, But at least now I know I'm not going mad. That's the same problem I'm having.


@DennisPanting i think i'm maybe having something similar?? a story i follow and regularly read recently was updated and i didn't get a notification.


New teaser...
          “Well, I do have a couple of questions. Firstly, where can I find the store?” Six asked
          “Well, if you need supplies, go see Cliff Briscoe at the Dino Bite Gift Shop, and tell him I sent you. I think he gets lonely standing around in that dino belly all day. He'll be glad for the company.”
          “Thanks for that. So, what's been going on in town lately?”
          ‘Well, let's see. Dusty McBride's been losing some Brahmin, but that's probably the heat more than anything. Honestly, it's been real quiet. Ranger Andy's still hurt, but we got these two gentlemen snipers watching the road day and night, keeping the trash out of Novac. They've been a blessing.” Jeannes may said.
          “I see. Well, thanks, for that. I’d love to talk more but, I’ve got some stuff I need to sell and supplies to buy. I’ll try to catch up later,” Six said as he left the lobby with Loona following close behind.
          “Be seeing you,” Jeannie said.
          “Well, she seemed friendly,” Six remarked as he headed to the gift shop.
          “Yeah, A little too friendly,” Loona said.
          “What do mean by that?” Six asked.
          “Back where I came from, I learned very quickly that anyone who tried to act as friendly as her were more often that not hiding some sort of secret they don’t want anyone to know about,” Loona explained.
          “So you think she might be hiding something?”
          “Possibly, Of course it might just be my usual mistrust of strangers kicking in, but I wouldn’t be to surprised it she does end up hiding something,” Loona answered.


@TheLambdaRebel107 Right in one. I did say I'd be covering some of the side quests.


@DennisPanting  oh, I think I know where this is headed.
            Boone's gonna want retribution. 



@DennisPanting coming back from vacation to a new Hellhound In New Vegas chapter, life really is good ^^