
Jason accompanies Cozbi to the Big Apple to review a job offer in this week's chapter of "A Tale of Two Carnies."


BE ADVISED...Wattpad has updated your ability to control notifications. There are more options now that can be toggled on or off. You can select "settings" then "notifications" to verify notifications are set up the way you want them to be.


@CFarley982 Here is your answer: Push are those messages that appear outside of the Wattpad app directly on your mobile device. Feed are the normal notifications that appear in the app. Here are the links that explain it: 
            Push notifications = 
            Newsfeed =  


@donnaf1828 I think the defaults are what most people would want, but if for instance you're not getting notified when new story parts are published, you should check that setting to make sure that option is turned on.


@CFarley982 Well, as I started to write an answer to your question I realized I'm not really sure! I'll try to find out and get back with you.


Friends – Some words about the Open Novella Contest.
          Winning a Watty award is the crown jewel of awards on this platform because it opens possible commercial opportunities from Wattpad. But, you should feel just as validated as a writer by winning one of the major ambassador run contests like ONC or the Amby awards. Why? Instead of having your work screened by impersonal machine-learning bots, your work is actually read and judged by real-life trained and qualified human beings who follow a judging rubric.
          In my opinion, winning with peer recognition is more meaningful. If you agree or have been sitting on the fence trying to decide whether you should enter, surf on over to the official ONC guidelines and check it out. You might just be inspired by one of the prompts.


@DennisRoyer It sounds like a lot of work to become an ambassador. 
            I volunteered to judge a few years ago for competitions run by Wattpad members.  It was a great experience, and I felt I learnt a lot, especially using rubrics.
            I've never entered ONC before. It'd probably be a great way to get my mojo started as I want to be more active this year. I'll look at the prompts to see if anything grabs me.


@donnaf1828 I haven't yet completed the ambassador training to be a judge, it's still ongoing. I look forward to being able to judge in the future, maybe by the time the Ambys roll around. Since I'm not a judge, I'm eligible to enter ONC and am considering it. The only thing holding me back is I'd be working on two stories at the same time. I'm not sure I can commit that much time. What I like about all those prompts is you can fit just about any story idea into one.


@DennisRoyer Are you going to be a judge?  Such a hard task. I looked at the prompts, so many choices.