
Which story would you all prefer to be updated (hopefully soon) 
          	Bio Boosted Hero or The Spider Hero


Which story would you all prefer to be updated (hopefully soon) 
          Bio Boosted Hero or The Spider Hero


Preview for the next chapter of The Spider Hero: With great power
          Izuku sits at his desk "....why didn't they tell me?" He asks himself quietly and looks around the room before starting to take photos of all of his All Might merchandise and puts them up for sell online when he notices an ad "three thousand in USD for lasting three minutes in the ring with Bonesaw?" He says confused and clicks on the ad and learns it's for wrestling "........I can do that." He says and looks over to his closet and sees a red sweater with a spider design, his red ski mask, a pair of gloves and blue sweatpants with a red line going down the pant legs.