
My apologies dear readers, I had wrote the next chapter in one of my books and it proceeded to delete most of my progress. I will be rewriting it, so there will be a delay.


Hey everyone. My life has become rather complicated over a short period of time and I'm struggling with multiple things at once. I apologize sincerely for the lack of reading material but just be aware that I have no ill will and I am trying. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Hello, my beautiful readers. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. My mental health is struggling and I have a lot of things on my mind. A chapter will be coming soon, if I don't procrastinate. Please bare with me while I try to figure things out. I love you! And as always
          Keep a notebook handy.


Hello everybody! I am currently writing two stories at the moment but sooner or later preferably sooner I will have posted a few chapters in one or both of my books. I will publish a few chapters every time I feel the need to give you, my wonderful readers, something to enjoy. Until we speak again. 
          Keep a Notebook handy. 