
Eagles can fly
          	Monkeys can climb 
          	Crickets can leap
          	Horses can race
          	Owls can seek
          	Cheetahs can run 
          	Eagles can fly
          	People can try
          	But that's about it.


          I woke up on a Monday morning 
          And stretched my arms, all the more groaning.
          I stifle a yawn and head to the kitchen hungry and peckish, on a mission.
          On the counter is a big pot
          I pull up a chair cuz reach it, I could not.
          Inside is a blend with a soothing scent
          I make my self coffee to let myself vent.
          Now this is the first time I had coffee you know
          So I tried to rack my memory as I tied up my bow.


Yuri likes knives
          You know what I heard about Yuri?
          Yuri likes knives.
          Sharp, dangerous knives! I think it's a sexual thing.
          That's why I'm not friends with her.
          Yuri has a soft and elegant, yet focused reading voice.
          I hear her reading one of her stupid convoluted poems.
          Every word had me on the edge of my seat, it was like she entered a world of her own.
          That's why I'm not friends with her.
          One time, I got stuck underneath a vending machine while reaching for coins.
          Yuri helped pull me out and offered me money for a protein bar.
          I tried not to let her touch me.
          She likes knives, so her arms are probably bloody. 
          That's why I'm not friends with her.
          Yuri reads a lot of horror novels.
          I always see her sharing them with MC.
          They're probably all about knives.
          What if the rest of the Literature Club starts to like knives too?
          That's why I'm not friends with her.
          It doesn't matter if she has other hobbies.
          It doesn't matter if she keeps it private.
          It doesn't matter if she's not hurting anyone else.
          It's weird.
          She's weird.
          The world is better off without that edgy bïtch.
          And I'm gonna tell MC.