
I'm going dormant for a while, maybe about 2 weeks- if you need anything from me then uhh.... spam my messages


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I was gonna say some shit but it seems like you already got schooled so I guess I’m just here to say one thing. Saying all lives matter in a black lives matter situation is like saying your family members died and someone comes up to you saying their goldfish died so they know how you feel. It’s fucking ignorant and offensive as hell.


this message may be offensive like fuck all that stop division shit black lives matter and that's that no fucking all lives matter like yeah I get it we don't want people to die at all but I don't see any and I mean any other race getting treated like more shit than African Americans so tell me do you see any whites getting killed almost everyday for there skin color? no right do you see Latinas having to deal with the fear of one day having a jog outside and getting shot FOR NO GODDAMNN REASON BUT BECUASE OF THERE SKIN TONE NO DO YOU SEE ANY OTHER GODDAMN RACE OTHER THAN AFRICAN AMERICAN HAVING THE FEAR OF GETTING FUCKING PULLED OVER AND SHOT CAUSE THEY WERE GETTING THERE FUCKING LICENSE OUT AGAIN FUCKING NO AND DO YOU FUCKING SEE ANY OTHER RACE OTHER THAN AFRICAN AMERICAN BEING HELD DOWN SUFFOCATING YELLING THEY CANT BREATH UNTIL THEY DIE ABSOLUTELY NOT SO YOU CAN SAY ALL LIFE'S MATTER WHEN THERES SPANISH PEOPLE GETTING KILLED ALMOST EVERYDAY FOR THERE SKIN COLOR AND WHITES GETTING KILLED FOR BEING A SO-CALLED THREAT FOR NOTHING CAUSE I HAVENT SEEN ANY OF THAT SHIT HAPPEN  ONCE IN MY LIFE YOU WANNA KNOW WHY CAUSE ITS ONLY HAPPENING TO FUCKING AFRICAN AMERICAN'S SO IN FUCKING CONCLUSION BLACK LIVES MATTER. thank you for your time


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@Depresso-Kun aight whatever you should really learn more about the movement cause the all lives matter shit is absurd I've seen a post that said if you have five children one scrapes a knew do you give all five a bandaid no cause only one scrapes there knee so of course everyone's lives matter nobody wants to see someone die but right back lives are being taken away for no reason and this can't keep happening if you had a family member that was killed for no reason you be absolutely enraged right? That how the family of George Floyd and many others feel so yes all lives matter but black lives matter because there the ones being targeted and they have been for centuries okie dats all bie ✌️