
Hey! :D
          	How are you? :D
          	I'm sorry for being inactive for so long but there a some reasons why I wasn't able to update any of the stories. First of all, family. I know this may sound like a cheap excuse but during the holidays at the end of 2023 and the start of 2024,  good but also sad things happened that caused me to be unable to properly continue with my stories. Second, due to some technical issues, I had with my hardware for a long time now, that needed to be replaced. Now after being fully adjusted to the changes, I can continue to write... at least I would say that if it wasn't for another significant problem. As I sometimes have written it in my stories, I usually don't write things out of the blue but prepare notes for the story so I don't lose track and can write down ideas and anything else I want to use. The problem now is that my notes are more or less gone. In the past I used "Evernote" to write down ideas and notes, but recently, Evernote decided to change their free version so people who don't want to pay for a notebook app but have many things to write like me have now some problems. Of course, I'm working on that to retrieve my notes but since I'm also busy with some other things like writing an original story and learning to draw, it might take some time (but hey you're already used to that right? :D). So for those few people who are still reading "Kiana's Bizarre Adventure" and are awaiting the next chapter, I sadly have to disappoint you that this might take some more time :( so you either have to wait or enjoy another story. 
          	Also, what's with that thing that Wattpad is going to delete the direct message feature? Why, that's dumb. 
          	Anyway that's everything. Have a nice day or night :D


@DerErzHerzog I'm doing good. It really sucks that your notes are gone :(


Is the next chapter of your vermillion knight book still in the works or is it almost ready cause I can’t wait to read it my good fellow


@DerErzHerzog awesome really excited for it


@DragonGod90 I will publish it soon as it's the story closest to being finished. 


          Are you still alive?


Sampo and Kakyoin also share the same jp va together


@Simpiroth oh really? I didn't know that because I don't have him (and I use eng dub for Star Rail)... now you have given me a side quest to listen to the JP voice :D


Hey! :D
          How are you? :D
          I'm sorry for being inactive for so long but there a some reasons why I wasn't able to update any of the stories. First of all, family. I know this may sound like a cheap excuse but during the holidays at the end of 2023 and the start of 2024,  good but also sad things happened that caused me to be unable to properly continue with my stories. Second, due to some technical issues, I had with my hardware for a long time now, that needed to be replaced. Now after being fully adjusted to the changes, I can continue to write... at least I would say that if it wasn't for another significant problem. As I sometimes have written it in my stories, I usually don't write things out of the blue but prepare notes for the story so I don't lose track and can write down ideas and anything else I want to use. The problem now is that my notes are more or less gone. In the past I used "Evernote" to write down ideas and notes, but recently, Evernote decided to change their free version so people who don't want to pay for a notebook app but have many things to write like me have now some problems. Of course, I'm working on that to retrieve my notes but since I'm also busy with some other things like writing an original story and learning to draw, it might take some time (but hey you're already used to that right? :D). So for those few people who are still reading "Kiana's Bizarre Adventure" and are awaiting the next chapter, I sadly have to disappoint you that this might take some more time :( so you either have to wait or enjoy another story. 
          Also, what's with that thing that Wattpad is going to delete the direct message feature? Why, that's dumb. 
          Anyway that's everything. Have a nice day or night :D


@DerErzHerzog I'm doing good. It really sucks that your notes are gone :(


          I'm sorry for not updating for a long time now and I planned to write a few chapters over December. Sadly, I must inform you that I won't be able to upload new chapters. 
          Why? Well, I have COVID since last week. With this, I ask for your utmost forgiveness.


@DerErzHerzog aight cool so when's the first chapter of the new year gonna release


@ChristianJoewinRicaa I'm still recovering but it's far better than a few weeks ago but I'm already back at writing the chapters. The first chapter this year will be the (probably long awaited) final of the second Kiana's Bizarre Adventure story. I'm trying my best to upload the last two chapters before February at the latest.


@DerErzHerzog pls tell me that u are fine and are now working on Kianas Bizzare adventure and the other books aswell


DerErzHerzog Why havent you posted?I was so excited for yandere Mei.Please come back...Your HI3 x JJBA stories are phenomenal (to me atleast) and the RWBY stories as well.So please come back,not just for me but for all of your followers waiting day by day for new chapters...


Bro when is the next episode of  KBA or KBA:D4C cause those stories are your best creations yet.Like im telling you there honestly better than the new rwby and genshin stories(No offense cause there good but not as good as the two mentioned stories).


So another 4 months of waiting again for the next chapters...*sighs* Dude just make a timeframe for when you are gonna post once you got a good grip on your daily schedule.


@ChristianJoewinRicaa currently I'm working on the three main books to pre-produce some chapters (2-3 chapters per book si a total of 6-9 chapters) and publish them over time because next week I'm not at home (and obviously can't write because of that).