P.S. Curvy lasers of any variety are pretty bad news. The Prismriver Sisters still have a few cards that destroy me whenever those lasers come out to play... ._.
What other reasons do you need to love Sakuya? Other than the several *knifed* memes she's spawned and the fact that she's a maid with more knives than you can find in the silverware isle. What's NOT to love? ^_^
She's definitely in my top five, along with Remilia and Patchouli. Then goes Koishi Komeiji, Byakuren Hijiri (probably misspelled), and Sanae. :)
@NicholasTheNoveller Thanks XD Whenever I first saw her I KNEW that she had to be my profile pic.
Ugh, Raiko & I have spent numerous hours together. Especially on Fifth Drum "Den-Den Daiko". Curvy thunder lasers UUGGGHHH made me die so hard. Sakuya was JUST AS HARD UGH NO HORRIBLE NOSTALGIC MEMORIES WHY--
Sakuya is very high up there in my Top 50 Favorite Touhou Charas btw x3