
So guy, I have just cut myself for first and irate feel good-


I don’t know- I forgot about this post-


this message may be offensive
I don’t trusts anyone around me,it fell like if I ask for help they would turn away....I feel like cutting my arm to stop all the pain,but I know it well add more pain and suffering for me, So why can’t I just ask for help...I don’t know why...I feel like I’m drowning in my tears,I’m drowning when I’m eating, I’m drowning when I’m too scared to ask for help....but all I ask myself if I can kill myself.? Please I ask that every day.....why can’tI be like all other people, I may laugh because you’re the reason why I’m still alive but I’m also always wearing a mask to not show my real feelings....soooo why can’t I be like you guy? I always get the  suicidal thoughts to jump up out of my window to kill myself so why can I be like you guys why can I not be norma?


But I well get help


Thanks you