I don’t like when people in TW fanfics pretend that Derek is this emotionless, expressionless person. (I am guilty of this, I’m self aware and hypocritical.) because like, guys, he’s NOT. I feel like it’s kindve discrediting Tyler Hoechlins acting skills to pretend that he was, because in the show, Derek was pretty full of expressions! For instance, his reaction to Boyd’s death was heart wrenching, you could see the terror in his eyes, or his reaction to Kate licking him, you could see the hurt and fear in his features, or whenever he would smile at his lover, or at the lady he was flirting with in that one episode. Or even just in general, his eyebrows pretty much spoke poems with how much they communicated in every episode, or that amused smirk he would give when Stiles did or said something STUPID. Or how he looked so perplexed and confused a lot of the time— I could go on for days just about how Derek Hale IS NOT EXPRESSIONLESS.