It isn't really that I can't let people go. I'm fairly good at the game of solitude. It's just that some people are stickier than others. Harden up too, like the gum under the table. They stick and stay and you want them to, you know. Tomorrow. The next day. Forever. But you know they have to leave because they're not good for you. And you're not good for them. You want different things as much as you want each other but eventually one of those has to give way. If it's the first you choose, you lose them. If it's the second, you lose perspective. Goals, wants and all that essential stuff that makes your biological clock tick. The funny thing is, your biology wouldnt even agree with you. It would love nothing more than to give in to every impulse. Every carefully worded coercion. Every whisper. But therein is the idea of worth. What is worth more? Giving up what naturally beckons you to give in or giving in always, never being able to see beyond the dark wall surrounding your soul. Some people are at home in the darkness. Within that wall is all they need to see. And some feel the pull of something foreign. An irresitable scent in the distance. Familiar yet not. What is worth more? Whatever you choose apparently. Alot of us see worth after the fact. Regret becoming the measure of a bad choice. It isn't really that I can't let people go. They all leave eventually. It's just that I can't get used to it, no matter how much I do.