
For anybody reading my book and following, I will be posting it on new account and publishing a more revised and better version. I'll most likely change the title and maybe the cover but look for for the hashtag #defineclassic in the near future.


@rmontellano of course just give me an idea of how you want it 


@-Luxxurious- it's about the keepers of four elements... fire, water, earth, air, light and dark. i have four main characters, a girl which is a water keeper, a male light keeper, a male of dark keeper and a female of multi-keeper... i want four silhouettes of these keepers with a chkra flowing on their silhouette and with the background can be a dark castle or a forest plus the title and my name in it R.S.MONTELLANO and below is captioned cover illustration by Luxxurious. hahaha. i hope i made it clear. thanks in advance.