@chrisalberts Ack! I am so sorry I didn't see this sooner. Yes there will be an update. I don't have a great excuse, other than the emotions are going to be super high in this upcoming chapter. I don't know how to describe it. It's like, watching emotions being portrayed on TV or in movies, you can feel them, but writing it soooo much more intense. I can barely finish getting the emotion out on the page, it's extremely overwhelming. Imagine having this wonderful life where you currently are, then comes the 'One'. It's not that easy to just up and leave all you hold dear behind. Maybe I'm trying to be too realistic. We both still know there's going to be a happy ending, but ugh, to feel what Brayden is feeling. He's trying to be too pragmatic. And that can feel chaotic. Many, many thanks for putting up with all of this... chaos. The story is still not dead. It's just getting there to that happy ending. It's gonna be bumpy.