
I know it isn't one of my working projects but I have posted something new for you guys to read. It's called Month of L and I just put up "chapter one", a letter to my best friend!
          	Month of L is a 30-day challenge so I will be updating everyday with a new letter. I'm also toying with the idea of doing the challenge from Nova's perspective as well as my own. If I do, her letters will be posted at the end of my 30 days.
          	It's the first time in a long time that I have posted my writing on wattpad. I hope you enjoy and decide to stick around for a while longer :)
          	For now, be on the look out!


I know it isn't one of my working projects but I have posted something new for you guys to read. It's called Month of L and I just put up "chapter one", a letter to my best friend!
          Month of L is a 30-day challenge so I will be updating everyday with a new letter. I'm also toying with the idea of doing the challenge from Nova's perspective as well as my own. If I do, her letters will be posted at the end of my 30 days.
          It's the first time in a long time that I have posted my writing on wattpad. I hope you enjoy and decide to stick around for a while longer :)
          For now, be on the look out!


My roommate and I also had a quote of the day.
          My favorite was:
          Me: *looks at a very elegantly designed box of dryer sheets* Why does this one look like it's trying to seduce me?


            I'll share mine with you. He's an outdoor cat, likes to cuddle, and eats everything and anything. He also likes to sit in windows and lie on vehicles.
            I love him, but I'm allergic to him, so that's the only reason I'm willing to share.


            Ugh, I'm imagining it. I want a cat so bad.


            Another favorite: "Why are my pants as tall as me?" --also me
            OMG So I got my cat a collar with a bell (so he can't sneak up on birds anymore) and he shakes his head just to hear the bell. It's so cute


So, where I live, there's a grocery story called Weis and you can buy NAKED juice in the produce aisle.
          My roommate and I were OBSESSED with this juice. Especially the mango kind. And it was, like, almost $4 for a bottle on campus, so we were looking for placed to buy it and I just so happened to notice that they sold it at Weis when I went home for spring break.
          I came back and told her, very excitedly, "Hey, Helen! You can get NAKED at Weis!".


            I tried blue as well. Made me gag.
            I doubt I'll try green.


            A cheaper/lower calorie/semi-equal juice is Bolthouse Farms. Not too bad, if I do say so myself.


            That's true. I usually get a package of the smaller size bottles. Haven't tried red machine, but I did try blue and green machine. Just FYI: they're devil spawn!


He often broke into song because he couldn't find the key.


            Psh...he just doesn't appreciate good puns.


            My brother glared at me when I told him this one lol


There is no second part to this one.


A cartoonist was found dead in his apartment.


            I've been laughing at this one for hours


            I was not ready.


Details are sketchy.


What is the difference between a hippo and a zippo?


            I had to google it :')


            A zippo is a kind of lighter


            This is the only one I didn't get


I'm supposed to be cleaning the bathroom, but I don't want to right now, so I'm just going to write on your message board for a bit.
          So, my sister is about to have her baby. Or, rather, she's about to go into labor. I can just feel it. Also, she lost her mucus plug, so that's a dead giveaway that she could go at any minute.
          I still have writer's block. Not really a block considering I don't even have a plot yet, but you know what I mean.
          How is school? Are you out of school yet? I've been out for over a month ha. But you knew that. We should have a WW soon.
          I just had an idea. I'll PM you some other time about it. Probably after I clean the bathroom. It's pretty neat imo
          I'm done for now. Expect some puns or something later