
Happy New Year everyone. New chapter is in the works I was hoping to have it out by Christmas but got busy with wrapping. So I'll try for midnight tonight. If not I'll get it out as soon as I can. Love you all Happy New Year.


Will there ever be more chapters for mc fire


 Ok em sure u will figure wat to write it will take time and patients 


@DiamondWolf134 thank you. I have another book out. That I'm working on till I can figure out what to do next with mc fire. Hope you enjoy. Oh and if you do read it 2 of my characters have similar names Kyle and Kyler. Kyle is named after Kyler. Kyler is best friends with dad and Kyle was named after Kyler and Kyler is Kyle's godfather.


Ok that I understand I hope u figure it out wat u gonna write I hope to read it soon


Happy New Year everyone. New chapter is in the works I was hoping to have it out by Christmas but got busy with wrapping. So I'll try for midnight tonight. If not I'll get it out as soon as I can. Love you all Happy New Year.


Hey guys. I know you are all waiting for the new chapter to come out for Fire MC. It's in the works. But I am also working on a new book. The first chapter is still in the works. Keep an eye out for my new book my new book titled will be released when the first chapter is released.


Hello, my beautiful readers. I got the next chapter on the way please bear with me. I know how I want the chapter to look it's just trying to find the right words to us for it. Not only that I am a single mom, i have an 8 year old daughter. So my chapters are gon a be pushed out at a later date than I like them to. So please bare with me. I know some want a new chapter pushed out right away that's not how it works it takes time. Again please bare with be and have a wonderful day.


Hey guys sorry for the lack of update. My brother needed help moving out after he and his fiance broke up. I also fall Ill and now I'm dealing with a death in the family. The next chapter is I the works still in the beginning part of the chapter. But alot has been going on. With the death in my family I'm not happy with how the situation was dealt the people who found my relative was very disrespectful. My relative was living these people and they where very disrespectful with how they found said relative and I'm very very angry with how it was handled I feel highly disrespected with how this death was handled from the get-go. So please bare with me I am slowly working on the chapter but as of right now all my books are on hold.
          Thank you for understanding I will post as soon as as I can get the chapter done love ya guys bye for now.