
Two new chapters of Ink & Bone are out! 


HII! i just finished reading Only Sleeping and it was and still is my favorite book i have ever read! I can’t wait for you to write hank and pope’s story because i’m so exited! Let me know when it’s out!!
          I am now reading boy from manning heights and let me feel you i love it so far! i can’t wait to continue reading from you and the stories to come! keep it up!!


@InkBeforeMorning I'm so glad you're enjoying my stories and look forward to you reading Hank and Pope's book once it is out!


Hey author!! I have read "A BOY FROM MANNING HEIGHTS" And TBH it was the best story, I have ever come accross in Wattpad. It is my favourite book. Your works are amazing.✨ 
          Your writing style is truly wonderful and I totally loved it and was in void after completing this book.
          Very wonderful experience for me...✨


@strangeinsaan thank you for your reply..✨✨ it means world to me. 
            Keep going, your works are masterpiece. After reading, "A boy from Manning heights". Even I wanted to write, a book of my own!!!


Thank you! I really appreciate you taking the time to read my stories and am happy to hear they bring you so much happiness :) 


Hello Author!
          I keep on wondering how Will, Mason, and all the characters look like or how you describe them. Do you have a character profile for the characters in Only Sleeping?


@Jinuk1609 Thanks for asking! I feel as if I am the worst at visualizing so although I have an idea in my head of what the characters look like I struggle to actually put that into words because its honestly not a clear image even to me. I don't really describe them in the book and I've never put out official profiles or descriptions of them, but if that is something you're interested in I can definitely do my best and perhaps come up with some kind of character profiles :)


I havent really read wattpad in months but Hank and Pope keep me here. Each month withought a story is a month in sorrow……..I beg of you!


@Jinuk1609 Yes 100% Will and Mason do appear in Hank and Pope's story. Of course, Hank lives with Mason so they are still closely involved in that storyline. We even see snippets with Gage!


@DesireeWritesBooks So if Hank and Pope having a story does that mean Will and Mason can still be in that story?


Oh god I’m so sorry  I am working on it and promise I will get it out asap!!! 