
Ik I'm never in here anymore buttttt


this message may be offensive
IM BACK (well sorta)
          Sooo I magically got an interest in writing again but it’s different. Obviously I’m keeping my old stories up but fan fiction just isn’t something I’m interested in writing/reading anymore. Idk as I’ve gotten older (currently 16) and went from introverted, shy, and afraid 
           to extroverted, social, and borderline fearless I lost the time I used to have to get into fandoms and lost the interest since I’d rather be with friends. On top of that 10th grade was a wild and stressful year (it was my best year but so much shit happened at school and home this was basically a burnout year and now feels like a dream). Every weekend for the past couple months I’d always have a group of friends over and we’d run around are small town doing dumb shit and having fun being teens and when I wasn’t with friends my relationship with my family got better so now I’m always talking to people and when I do have time alone I spend it with my pets. Now that schools out (it’s been out for me since May 26 but I had nothing to do for two weeks cause I exempted all exams) and now that burnout feeling is lightning up since a lot of my problems and issues were dealt with (high school drama/ family issues/ friends having issues) and now I has a lot more free time I’ve taken an interest in writing songs / my own book.
          I’m writing a book called “opposites attract” (I won’t give anything away yet… all ima say is GAY LOVE STORY) and I’ve written a lot of songs and I think ima post them here since no one I know uses wattpad and I’m more incognito on it (basically looking at my account compared to all the other social medias I have this is the only one without friends I know irl following me) 
          Sooo be ready for updates again (most will be songs and eventually opposites attract will drop) 


I just found you because of your Chris x Karl oneshots and I LOVE them
          You've inspired me to write stuff too :]


@Destin_2007 omg tysm  I didn't think you'd reply HFBSJFVDH


I’m so glad that my writing inspired you :) 
            I bet you’ll write some of the best stories ever!!!


This is random but I’m dying my hair red and I bleached it today and it’s so weird cause I’ve always had really dark hair and my hair is blonder then Elsa right now 
          I feel like I should bust out and start singing let it go-


I’m just popping in to say that, I doubt I’ll be in here anymore and I just want to give a proper goodbye. To put it simply I’ve lost interest in writing (I love drawing and crafting and all that but writing just isn’t fun to me anymore), I’ve started to prefer reading comics then stories on here, and I lost interest in fan fictions, and I lost interest in the mr beast fandom and I don’t really ship anyone now. I just thought this should be said as I haven’t been active and need to admit that I won’t be returning to writing. I loved my time on here and I loved writing when I did it but Interests change. Also thanks to anyone who has supported me in the past, your all amazing and this is goodbye. I hope you all have an amazing day/night 


            But it's alright, I understand and support your opinion. Everyone changes eventually. I hope things are going well for you! :D ♡


@Destin_2007 Oh okay^^ Im glad you aren't leaving


@ShotMagnet513 Thank you, I’ll probably focus more on the artsy and music side of things since writing isn’t something I’m into anymore, your amazing and I’ll try to pop in time to time to see what you and some other people are up to. :]]


So I hasn’t been in here in a bit (the reasons sad so be warned)
          Popping in to say no I’m not dead and no I didn’t delete wattpad, I’ve just been really busy with school and something really sad happened…. To put it simply my best friends little sister died… (the girl was only 11 and she had really bad asthma) I went to her viewing today and am going to a funeral tomorrow and on top of that I’ve been doing my friends work so she doesn’t fail. (She’s been through enough). So I’m not going to be very active on here for a bit.
          Now on a less depressing note, I started taking birth control and so far it’s been pretty good. (Pissing in a cup was awkward and when me and my mom got in the car and my brother asked what took so long and my mom answered “your sister had to take a pregnancy test” was probably the scariest moment in my life. Don’t think I ever yelled I’m a virgin faster in my life) the first few days I felt a bit nauseous and hadn’t eaten much but I started taking it at night instead of in the morning and it’s been a lot better. (I’ve been a lot calmer and haven’t had mood swings, although the real test will be when the time of the month comes) I’ve been taking it for a week (started Sunday) and I’ve already noticed a difference in how I act. 
          So that’s about all my rambling but basically I’m not dead but won’t be active for a bit.


I am soooo lucky-
          I got my schedule changed and I now has guitar  instead of creative writing and I couldn’t be happier. I no longer have to write poems and I’ve always wanted to learn guitar. Also I found out at perfect timing because I was in second period when I got sent to get my new schedule and I had two poems and an essay due for my writing class (I half assed the essay and one ‘poem’ and didn’t do the other) and now I don have to do them because I don’t have the classss-
          I barley got out of it but i is happy. (I also got stuck in English for the entire morning though since I had it first and had to go back since I got it second now)


Yoooo- Nicee


Y’all I need helpppp with a poem-
          So I got this creative writing class and I’ve got to write a 2 stanza, 10 line poem about the word elevate and my brain is dead- 
          I swear, it should be illegal for school to have work on the first week and if anyone here knows how to write poems then this would be a lot of help (basically I’m trying to cheat cause I can’t write or want to write poems-)


@Crazblazer that’s why im here asking for help with poems cause im also shorty with poems-  oh and thanks btw.  :]


If I have any ideas Ill tell you but Im shitty with poems :-: I can try though


I just realized it’s been almost a week since I last used this app-  
          I’ve been busy, ✨school started, and I’m trying to be more responsible of a person and with that I forgot this app existed. Well that and I’m pretty sure I’m loosing interest in reading and writing fan fictions. I think I’m starting to grow out of it which is kinda sad cause I used to love them (I’ve started feeling awkward reading them and I’m starting to prefer original stories more… I think I’m getting old-) I probably won’t update my oneshot book anymore and I’ll probably mark it as completed for now. I am working on a bench trio book though but idk if I’ll finish it and if I do abandon it I’ll just post it and let someone else finish it. 
          With that said I don’t think I’ll be using this app as much anymore (I’ll still talk to the few friends on here, read on here sometimes, but I don’t think I’ll be writing much anymore, I might finish my book but that’s about it) This could also be burn out but it’s lasted way longer then a regular burn out would (I haven’t enjoyed writing and reading like I used to. I like reading comics and certain books but that’s about it, where as I used to read random stories for hours and could spend hours writing) Now I’d rather do any of my other hobbies or talk to my friends, play with my dog ect (I’ve been really busy and don’t spend as much time alone anymore).The main thing is, I haven’t lost interest in the fandoms I’ve written/read about. Idk and I just feel like I should say this so people know why I’m less active. 
          TLDR; I’m getting old and don’t like reading and writing like I used to. Might just be burn out though-
          (Also liking fanfics doesn’t have an age limit (obviously) but I just feel like I’m loosing interest now, I still like reading but I prefer comics and original books) 


@Crazblazer I’m not leaving all together cause I enjoy talking to people on here but it’s gonna be a while until I write again. I love taking to you though and I hope you keep up the good work on your books :D


Awww :( I hope you don't leave Wattpad though. I really enjoy talking to you and reading your stories/one shots :D