hey people of Wattpad! I LOOOVVEEEE FOOODDDD.
Okay wow, that was out of nowhere! Haha, anyway JUST KEEP SWIMMING JUST KEEP SWIMMING!
Another out of nowhere! Okay, hopefully no interruptions, I love Pitch Perfect (Therefore a lot of phrases will be in my books ;P) And I love FINDING NEMO! (Same as Pitch Perfect!).
I love the Twilight saga! Especially Breaking Dawn Part 2! Don't judge me!
Also, just to clear things up, if I write any books that sound like others you have read then just keep in mind I have asked that author for permission first, so now that is cleared up IF YOU DO NOT LIKE MY WRITING THEN DO NOT READ MY BOOKS!
It is as simple as that! I don't want to sound rude but seriously! You don't like my books, then don't read 'em! Problem solved! My friend has gotten a few messages from people saying they don't like her writing therefore she should stop, and she did!!!! So just don't read the books!
If you have any further questions for me, then just message me and I will answer as truthfully as possible! (I ain't telling you my age!). Also I like giving people nicknames, so In my books expect to be called nicknames such as 'FudgeCake Monsters!'. I am crazy, weird and all of the above! ;P
Well enough of me ranting on! BYE!