
Yeah guys. The lack of update on Destiny Battles is due to me focusing on real-life stuff and playing video games. I am not sure when I will work on the next chapter. It's just been hard lately to find time to write. So sorry for this lack of an update. I'm basically on a writer's block at the moment.


@DestinyProduction it's all good, I've been doing the exact same thing


@DestinyProduction happens all the time... i was going through it too


Hiiii guys 
          Sorry for posting here author.. 
          I'm new writer just started writing an anime story.. so I want review for the story from you and readers to improve it and write from your guys feedback... 
          Try my story guys.. give some of your precious time ️and feedback my story.. if you like my story then vote for sure.. your feedbacks and votes means lot to me .. I'm waiting for your response.. thank you 


Hey there, don't know if you'll ever read this, but if you do, then here it goes
          Okay, to start off, my name's DardanQerkini1996 and i'm currently writing a fanfic, where I will retell Ash's journey from Kanto up to Galar, and i'll be fixing up some errors, but enough of that, i've been introduced to the world of fanfiction by your book 'Destiny Rebirth', which I must say is a masterpiece, and I still to this day read it, in order to get inspired for my fanfic too, I know that you probably aren't as active as you used to be in the past, but I just wanted to tell you, that your book/fanfic, inspired to start my own fanfic, as I said earlier i'm currently eriting my own fanfic, set in an alternaye universe, with the Pokémon world being mixed with our world, basically the Pokémon being the animals of our world in the fanfic, I don't want to take up much of your time, other than to say, you really did a good job with the writing of Destiny Rebirth, that book, even to this day, when I read it, gives me emotions, basically your book's a rollercoaster of emotions
          DardanQerkini1996, over and out


Not really sure how to start this, but let's go.
          I've been on Wattpad for a year, and I remember coming across your account and reading a few chapters of Destiny Battles and being in complete awe of your skill man. 
          However, I also saw that you ran a group (rather than this account be ran by one person) and I also found it pretty cool how you sort of had your own little team writing Pokémon stories. 
          Even if you are not doing writing anymore (seeing as it has been a year and eight months) I just want to say that you have inspired me and my friend (who now run a Pokémon group too!) lots, and without you we both probably would not be on this site.
          I'm not going to be picky and ask for updates at all, but I just want to say that I hope you are doing well in whatever you are doing now, and are free of all of the drama that the group encountered (which I stumbled upon accidentally too).


@GhostNRG thank you for your thoughtful words


Hey I was wondering is the founder of this group destiny production ....
          Were the writer editors .etc
          Hand picked a
          And do other people have a chance of ever joining the group ....
          Well if there is a chance what are the qualifications.....
          If this doesn’t require any of this which o don’t except ....
          Let me just say this question three words ....if there is a chance
          Can I join?
          If not then .....sad times 
          If yes then....CELEBRATION TIME
          I expect not....but that’s ok I guesss


Aww that sucks never mind


@ruchika1230 we are no longer accepting more members


Fellow writer @DestinyProduction, author of the book "Destiny Rebirth",
          Today I found this book named "Came back for you..." By This book that I refer to is VERY similar to your book " Destiny Rebirth". This message is just to make sure that you are aware of this fact, I have tried reporting this book, although it says that the owner of the book that has been "Copied ", is the person who can do something for this matter. I am not sure if you are fine with this author writing this book... If you aren't than this matter is in your capable hands...
          I hope you have a fabulous day,
          -Glorious Greninja


K It's alright then! It was just that if I wrote a book, and someone copied it 'without asking' I would be mad. But it's alright if you talked. ;)


@GloriousGreninja leave him alone. I already knew, but he and I talked and his book is not meant to be taken seriously


It's seems to me the link to the author is not working but the rest of the information is true.