
I've had 'And The Winner Is' in my head for ages and am now desperate to get feedback on it.
          It's not a romance although it does have a love interest.
          It's not a comedy although I hope it's funny.
          It's not a thriller although it does have lots of twists and the robbery of some very famous diamonds.
          Ultimately it's just about a girl trying to find out who she is and where she belongs.
          It would be great if you could read it and let me know what you think. 


Thanks for all the votes on trapped, I really appreciate it. Feel free to comment too. 


@XxAnimal-LoverxX That's sounds wonderful i hope you have a good day too.


@XxAnimal-LoverxX Haha thabks  really appreciate it. Let me know if tgeres anything i can do for you, such as read a book or if you ever want to talk im always here  
            Hope You Have A Great Day/Night  