
Depression. That’s my only excuse to my inactivity. I can’t openly tell my friend or his family about it. And I know no one follows me on here pretty much, so I feel fine throwing it out here I guess.


          Guess I should be more active on here. I think I’ve made it out of the roughest path of it all.
          I plan on graduating soon.
          Idk what I wanna do for college though. I don’t have much ambition.
          I’m doing ok though. I’ve about recovered, and I know I have plenty of people wishing me luck.
          Any suggestions for stories would be welcome as well


I guess.... I gotta explain a little of what happened. Here's part one anyway.
          So.....I suppose you all know that I'm German. I speak  the language, I was practically raised there...
          The thing is, my "parents" weren't born there. They were American. They would always tell me that they're parents were German so they were, "Technically German".
          It was trash talk. They 'say' they're German, but they barely knew the language! I was lucky to have lots of people to teach me to speak it.
          Another thing, I wasn't in school, I was homeschooled. But it's illegal to homeschool in Germany. I never noticed any of the wrong things cause I was lied to. I'm 17 now, and I been told lies for 16 years.
          Anyway...about 2 years ago my "parents" moved me to America, and after that I started to learn English, since everyone else spoke it.
          To me when I think living with those "parents" was the best anyone could ask for, but by a perspective of most of you it would most likely be hell. 
          About however long ago this ordeal happened, things began to get strange. A friend had asked me what my life was like. I told them. But the next day the police showed up. My "parents" told me to hide in the attic. I was stuck in there for about 5 days, when finally I heard nothing, and I figured my "parents had been arrested or something. About a day later, my friend and his parents found me and took me to their house. They explained what happened. Apparently I wasn't actually my "parents" son, they had kidnapped me, and apparently my biological parents were killed....
          I live with my friend's family now.
          You probably see why I didn't want to talk about this for awhile...


@CallMeQueenIfYouDare Yeah, main reason I never wanted to say anything about it


@RandomGirl2021 Yeah..that's one good thing I guess..


@Destructionlostsouls I'm so sorry about your biological family. You didn't deserve to suffer this much even if they kept this from you for 16 years but a least you're living a good life with a friend. 