
Nothing like some flash fiction to get you back in the groove!


I'm literally obsessed with the video game Warframe. Thinking about writing a short story from Ordan Karris's perspective, particularly focusing on his transition from loyal Orokin guard dog to crazy suicidal berserker.
          But I'm going to write it in such a way that, hopefully, it will be a good standalone story. That is, even a person who doesn't play Warframe will be able to follow along and understand.
          Also, it will be a shameless promotion for Warframe. XD


I haven’t been active at all lately because literally every second of my life is taken up by something, but on the bright side, I’m perfecting a short story to enter into a contest to win a $500 scholarship. ^_^ Wish me luck! I’ll probably post it after the contest is over.


@DarkHell616 Thank you! I appreciate it! <3


@DesultoryWriter Oh! Good luck with it all, my fingers are crossed for you :)