
Check out this one too!


Thanks for the follow! Hope you enjoy my works :) Have a great day!


@Mistalee_ you're welcome! Hope you enjoy mine under conversations. Please read!


@DetNickLang *Legend stares at Nick with a solid mean gaze* 
            Legend: If you ever try to take your shirt off in front of Keish again, I'll grab you by your scrawny neck and choke you with your own little girlie shirt and watch until the last breath leaves you nine year old girl body. You got that pip squeak? Go on the room baby, I'm coming.


I wanted a picture of me as my background! 


@DetNickLang *Det. Legend feels a laugh arising inside, and quickly catches it. He'd hate to let Nick know he found what he did funny*
          *The bartender sits on the chair gasping for air, he gazes into Nick's eyes*
          Bartender: Oh you sum of a beech, I'm going to have your badge for that. You know you saw king kong over here *Points at Det. Legend* treat me like I was his pro, and to you buddy, *He moves his eyes to Det. Collins* I don't need your stupid advice. So flick a cancer stick between your crusty lips and smoke to your death, the alls of you get on my nerves. And give me my leg back!
          *The bartender points to the video cabinet *
          Bartender: Over there smuck!
          Det. Legend: O boy you're cruising for a bruising I tell you. 
          *Det. Legend walks over to the cabinet, opens the drawer, and takes out the tape dated December 1, 2016*
          Det. Legend: Got it guys, let's go. 
          *Det. Legend throws the prosthetic leg at the bartender with a bit of force, the bartender goes oooogggg, And right before walking out the door, he backhand slaps the bartender on the right eye*