
// I’m ALIVE


“Got a little drunk last night..and had this RIDICULOUS dream that I kissed an android”


            Gavin snorted “ Sure sure, I’m the most popular guy here in the DPD.” Gavin exclaimed , his voice dripping with sarcasm. “ whatever.. like I said. A dream.  Like hell I’d kiss anyone let alone a tin can.” He grumbled , but sighed heavily. He still had a bit of hangover still so he was hesitant to raise his voice too much. “... look I’m having a shitty morning as is I don’t want to think too hard on this..” he admitted 


"  don't speak in such a manner detective. especially in a hinted degrading manner. you have the officers at the precinct, and supposedly more outside of it. yet ,  i can not make such an assumption on your private life.  "  the rk800 was quick to say ,  not trying to make the human feel uncomfortable or further agitated in any way  (  noticing the feelings growing.  )  "  i know the same details that you do, maybe even less. i was just suggesting the possibility that you went with someone ,  &&  you two visited the club. but ,  we can drop the matter.  "


            Gavin scoffed “ what fiends?” It wasn’t meant to sound as sad as it did, but Gavin didn’t really have ‘close friends’ he had coworkers he got along with..somewhat.. but that was a list of one, Tina. But she had other plans tonight and that’s why he went out drinking alone..right?  Though Gavin fought a glimpse of the small grin appearing on the android’s face “ the phuck you smiling about, huh? You know something I don’t?” He growled, the wink putting him even more on edge 


detective .  i have a few .  .  .  questions for you .


            Gavin stumbles to the couch, plopping onto it with a satisfied grunt, already getting comfortable. The detective looked around lazily . His eyes began to close after a few seconds, just on the breach of passing out on the androids couch


she almost laughed once again when gavin told her to hush ,  but it was quickly ruined when he threw up .  ❛  dear god ,  ❜  she murmured to herself with a roll of her eyes ,  before she slowly began walking again .  when they reached a small apartment area ,  she pulled a key from her pocket and unlocked the door ,  helping the detective inside and to the couch .  ❛  just .  .  .  sit here .  i 'll get you water .  ❜


            “..shhhhh” Gavin moved his arm, putting a finger to the android’s lips while making the sound. He gave a lopsided grin as his hand fell back to his side “y’talk..toooooo much” he whispered as if it were some inside secret “..jus’ shhhhhh....ruin’da moment.”  He slurred his face completely flushed as his eyes glossed over “ gonna—“ he puked again on the sidewalk 


"  detective reed  ?  "  the rk800 model spoke out to the male entering the break room. it probably wasn't the best time to speak to him about anything, especially considering how early it was  -  but he had to do it while it was on his mind. "  a moment please  ?  i have a few questions.  "


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            “ and you machines are fucking annoying.” Gavin retorted, not liking the fact that Connor was still here despite his efforts to get them to leave him alone.  “ for the last time, I am NOT leaving. You can’t make me leave , and there is no way in hell I’m letting you convince me otherwise.” Gavin sat up straight in his chair, taking a few deep sighs before trying to fully ignore the other in hopes that will get them to leave. Though at this rate, the possibility of him falling asleep at his desk was high


"  if you took the evening off, you wouldn't have to worry about arriving back here only a few hours later. you'd be able to fully relax, detective,  "  he reports, speaking as if the solution to the situation was obvious.  "  i believe you have my functions confused with that machine. for one, i am not designed to intake bread or any object for that matter, and cook it.  "  he looks down to the rough hand hitting against the table of the other's desk. if he was to continue and gradually increase the pressure, the table would soon give and break.  "  i do believe that me jumping into traffic would slow down the process of my current investigation. my successor will just appear at the precinct tomorrow. so, the uncalled for death is quite unnecessary.  "  he took notice of his actions, connor's hands moving to straighten his tie ( for what seemed like the thousandth time.  )  "  you humans are quite stubborn.  "


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            Gavin glances over from his computer screen, scowling more as he saw that Connor had followed him back to his desk. “ It is pointless because I don’t want to head back to my apartment just to come back here again in a few hours. I’ll get over just like all the other times I was a bit tired.” His tone was sharp, agitated.  “ and don’t you fucking dare bring Fowler into this, the only thing wrong with my mental state is a certain toaster driving me up the wall.” He growled, slamming his hand on the table “ want to help me out so badly? Then go jump into traffic or something.”  Gavin rubbed his temples, his shoulders rising as even after no one was talking, there was a sharp ringing in his ears triggering another wave of throbbing pain to the back of his skull