
Hi, if you'd like to know I'm one of those people who read this story based on the recommendation you gave in the comments of one of the one shot imaginary scenes by shii writes. I really liked your style of writing in the comment section so I decided why not give your story a try? And now, here I am! I don't usually like to read books so much but when it comes to romance novels(which I don't have in hard copy and those which I don't really try) but while reading shii's and yours stories,i really wanted to give it a try! In conclusion, I would like you to wish me good luck and please recommend any good stories (in wattpad of course) you like when you have time. Hope to talk to you again.bye and take care. Also keep up the good work.❤❤❤


@Inshi1906 thank you so much ❤❤❤.. And all the best, good luck. Even I wasn't into romance novels.. But then I heard it from. My teacher that whatever your reading style is u should always explore all genre. All the best and good good luck sweetheart.. 
            Ofc if I find any good book i will for sure recommend it to you. Take care❤❤❤