
How is it Friday already? I woke up this morning dead ass thinking it's Wednesday. Anyway I didn't write this week and I feel so bad about it. Next week though.


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Need a day or two just to sleep my little heart out. I hope you guys had a fantastically beautiful Vday weekend. I know I did "my man my man my man thank you to my man". 
          Hopefully I drop 2 chapters later this week. I'm praying I have some strength in me to drop those two chapters. Tryna be consistent you know.
          Also why is it that your sister/bestie/ twin flame/ @Curlie_Girlie are usually the WORST accountability partners. We've both been so loved up with our men this week we completely forgot about our work out schedule. Shit we even ate a whole bunch of good food that we're gonna have to work off cause my sissy's getting married and we're tryna look snatched AF.


@ZatimaWriter we're literally the worst but I wouldn't trade you for anything sissy. Oh here's that link you wanted.


Chapters are out!!! I know I said 10 am CAT and I know I'm 6 hours now almost 7 hours late but your girl came through. Now lemme go take a power nap and enjoy the rest of these Valentine's day festivities my man has planned for me


Update coming within the next hour, your girl is struggling to stay awake while I'm proof reading so if you see mistakes please blame my man. I swear he's plotting on my ass. Last night was a dream though, can't wait to see what he has planned for this weekend.


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I know I said I'm dropping new chapters tonight but my man had a little romantic pre-valentine's date planned. However I will be dropping those new chapters at 10 am CAT. Hope all you ladies are being spoiled rotten by your significant others this week and shit every damn week! ❤️


@ZatimaWriter awwwwwww and thanks sis i needed this imma do just that i needed to hera that this made my day sis


@QueenGG2007 spoil yourself babe, order in some dinner or cook yourself a nice fancy dinner, open a bottle of wine or champagne and watch your favorite movie or series. Ain't nobody can love you on valentine's like you love yourself 


@ZatimaWriter awwwwwww i hope you enjoy your day sis and shiddddddd im single asf so ima be home watching tv


New chapters coming tomorrow!!!!


New chapters coming soon. It's just been a crazy week and it's only Tuesday.


Can't get over how cute Zac and Ti was in this week's episodes. Also dafaq is wrong with Malachi being a whole married man with his ex face on his chest? I would legit f*ck my man up if have to make love and all I see is his ex face!!! Nicca will beg for his life whenever i see his bare chest cause WTF then you're still openly claiming you love her? Narh I wouldn't even have said yes to him cause clearly his not my man if he's still stuck on Ti. 
          Watching Zac and Jeremiah was heart warming. Loved the episodes but I'm stuck on the bedroom scenes with Zatima.
          Now for Sistas... at this point I just feel like I'm waiting an hour of my life that I will never get back.


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@RebekahLesGore  Yes I feel like Angela runs to Fatima before even trying to come up with solutions herself. It's been 3 seasons on her being dependent on Ti. I needed that moment between Bryce and Zac like before he fucked up that bromance they were actually good for one another. I really really hope Tony is okay. Ti and Zac in the funeral home were funny too.
            Over sistas and Karen's pregnancy, this Gary storyline which they made the man storyline sucks ass. Someone needs to drop Hayden. I need more Zatima scenes like give the people what they want. Best scene of this week's Sistas EP was Danni and Zac!
            I loooooooooooooooooo Danni and Zac's relathionship.
            A/n: If this doesn't make sense I'm so high on meds right now I should probably sleep


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That shit is beyond crazy that Tattoo. I’m so glad Zac & Jeremiah worked things out. That scene with Zac and Fatima that night and morning was everything I needed. Angela need to get herself together. I hope Tony okay and I’m glad Zac and Bryce can move past things. Leslie slow ass and Malachi need to both drop dead. I haven’t been rushing to watch Sistas as much cuz every week the pissing me off. I hate Karen ass so bad her and Hayden end to go to hell.