Hey guys! So I've come up with a way for me to commit to the stories I'm writing so I don't end up like 2015 Lainey with a bunch of shitty unfinished chapters!
I'm going to be taking a similar approach to how Felix recorded the Undertale series and write the ENTIRE story in drafts and when it's finished, THEN I will publish it. So if you don't see any activity for a while, a story is likely in the works.
So yeah, just a little update from me! School is currently kicking my ass, plus I'm planning for a holiday concert, planning my trip to Europe, writing, producing, and recording an EP, and preparing for a dance recital so I've been pretty damn busy! But excuses aside, I'll do my best to get some new short stories out soon! Hit me up if you have any questions, don't ever be afraid to contact me as my dms are always open.
If you want to keep up with all that stuff above and more, feel free to follow my Instagram @totallylainey it's where I'm most active! Anyhow, that's all! Bye y'all!