
Wattpad really removed direct messages-? 
          	I haven't been on this app in months, only because schOol... but hey, guess what.
          	I FINALLY graduated !! 
          	However, I am not sure if I will be active much anymore on here. I only used it for reading/writing stories (which won't happen for a while now) or messages, and I guess I got the big middle finger by Wattpad for that one-


Wattpad really removed direct messages-? 
          I haven't been on this app in months, only because schOol... but hey, guess what.
          I FINALLY graduated !! 
          However, I am not sure if I will be active much anymore on here. I only used it for reading/writing stories (which won't happen for a while now) or messages, and I guess I got the big middle finger by Wattpad for that one-


Hello, hello !!
          I am very sorry if I am inactive. If you're unaware of this already, I have started my final semester of school ever!! YAHOO!!!! 
          Except if I go to college... which is a  m a y b e ..
          My classes aren't as bad as last semester, but have just enough woRk to make me become inactive as I should be. I really do apologize if I don't respond to any announcements, messages, anything in the general, for a while. 
          School is rotting my brain... and it's time for me to get out-


Ahh- I'm so sorry for being dead on this thinG- 
          Electives are a pain in the ass, as I have too many projects I have to be working on... let alone have veRy little time on them, as most of them are ART projects, and next week is my final week before winter break- 
          I promise I'll be active then


HeYy, listEn- 
          I'm throwing a few headcannons for someone because I haven't done them in a while... 
          [] Toy Chica []
          • Literally the definition of mother hen.
            - Withered DucKie is another exception- 
          • She's probably the most laid back character out of everyone there, especially the most friendliest, but Toy Bun is no excuse- 
          • She treats her own cupcake like its her own chiLd- she gets a little too protective of that thing.
            - Guess it's a ``Chica thing``, as Ol' duCkie was the same with hers... sad. :( 
          • Since she does not have ears, at least not built in like the other three, she doesn't get too sensitive to yelling or anything, but she stiLl prefers if that doesn't happen- 
          • She's most likely the only one that could get Ol' Bonnie to relAx- 
          • She loves to mimic Foxy's pirate accent... mainly because she knows how baD it is- 
            - Of course Foxy can't help it some times since its programmed, but... mostly it's hiM choosing to say stuff the way he does- 
          • She'll literally be your best friend, she gets along with every- ... moSt- animatronics.


« @Devil_1nEye »
            ₊❏❜ ⋮ Don't we all- :"""b ⌒


            I feel bad for all my characters for what I put them through. :,)


« @Devil_1nEye »
            ₊❏❜ ⋮ A part of me wants to feel sorry for Foxy's accent getting mimicked, but then a part of me, doesn't- x"d ⌒


Wearing a tie is so uncomfortAble-
          I'm matching with some friends for school, we're all dressed up as members from the band "Tally Hall". 
          They all wear different color ties, and I'm blUe guy- (Zubin)
          GoD- they make me feel like I'm choking-