
My readers, I have been gone for a while, briefly around and a few times promised my return however this is not the time. I have been thinking to turn a few books to hard copy, as it is a strong request with Ryland Boys as the most requested book. I do need time to sort out my contract and the logistics of it, as well as final editing. I appreciate you all immensely, I have been through hell and I’m making my way back. Three years later. I love you all, thank you for enjoying my stories, they were my escape from my personal hell, and I am glad they bring you comfort. I wish to write again, something of love.


@Devils_Assasin I'm very sorry to learn of your hardship! I hope you know that your escape through these books is also an escape for myself, and many others. You're not alone! Thank you for pushing through and sharing your creative art. I think I can speak for many when I say, we look forward to your future work! I first found your books on Dreame, and I read them all. The Ryland Boys was first, I'm on my 3rd time of reading it. Then I started looking for your other books. And I couldn't find them at first. But I finally found this app. (They censored the app name on Dreame where you listed the recommended book order.) Anyways, I'm stoked that I can now read the rest of the books! Hope your life is making a turn for the better! Take care! <3


@Devils_Assasin thelis is wonderful news! I am happy for you. I miss your work, but continue to reread The Ryland Boys.  I love how well written this book is.


I would proudly own every single one of your books on my kindle. I have loved Annalise and all the spin offs. I was a little out of order for awhile but I figured it out and I adore your writing style. I’m glad to hear that you are trying to make a comeback. Looking forward to seeing more from you. So much support from all us readers. Stay strong! You are amazing and you can make it through whatever it is that has/is trying to drag you down ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hello Author, 
                      I have fallen in love with your books, especially the ryland boys and was wondering if it and others will have physical copies I can buy some where maybe Amazon? Would love to get physical copies of all the books.  Please keep writing.
                                                                  ~ A loyal reader


I've been following you for a while now and live reading your books. They are the only books I have read and can re read over and over again. I am so happy to hear you are writing a POV of the Ryland brothers I'm so excited. Also cannot wait for you to finish writing Having Faith. 
          Keep writing you have alot of supporters that will be here waiting for you to continue writing the amazing stories you have produces so far. 
          A loyal fan right here 


It's been 3 years, but we still remember your stories and are still patiently waiting for you with expectation in our hearts.  
          Can't wait for you to continue our favorite stories. FIGHTING!!! 


@KellyMcAllister2 not yet. From what I understand she is working on getting The Ryland Boys and their spin off to amazon since it’s the most requested. Fingers crossed she fluffs up everything and moves them over. 


@Elements1916 I wrote that wrong....not context...but rather, text...


@Elements1916 Has she started putting her books on Amazon? I noticed it seemed like some content was missing from some of her other stories. I thought maybe she didn't complete them? Or maybe she moved the rest of the books elsewhere?


Hello Author, at the moment I’m reading your book ‘Wolves of Mount Bay’ and I can see that you haven’t updated since 2020. I just want to say that I’m really enjoying your book, it’s so refreshing because it feels like I’ve read every single wattpad story that exists. I love the characters, the drama, the love, I just love everything about your book. I really hope that you haven’t abandoned this story because it has so much potential. I don’t know if you’re to busy to continue writing or just focusing on yourself, but I just want to ask for you to continue this story(hopefully with a happy ending) and never take it off Wattpad or bring it to another app please. Lastly I just want to say thank you and I will continue to support you x 


Hello, I appreciate your love and support immensely. I haven’t abandoned the story however I will need to finish the one I’m currently writing which is the spin off of The Ryland Boys. As soon as it’s finished I’ve got a bit of writing to catch up on but I truly love to hear everyone’s feedback and which stories they love the most. Thank you again for the support and love. XOXO


Hey Author, lost my dreame and email account when my phone was robbed, can't get in touch with dreame to try and get my acc back again and wanted to reread the older brother, any way for you to make them avaliable on Amazon? Xo


Hello love, I will be eventually getting majority of them onto Amazon but in such case they will have to be paperback only. I do have a contract for the digital version with Dream(e) so it’s been difficult to try and get that back. As soon as I make them available I will be posting the link on here for them ❤️ xoxo