
Hello. I happened to stumble across your "Fifty Shades of Wattpad" book and then I ended up on your profile. You say you're up for suggestions of stories. I hate promoting my own stories, but my best friend has this really great book she's working on at the moment and I'm trying to get more people to read it. Her name is @JDWesson and the story is called "Timing is Everything." It would mean the world to both me and her if you would check it out.
            I realize it may not be your cup of tea, but even just giving it a look would make her day. :) Thanks.


Hey there! Welcome to Wattpad :P You joined a day before my birthday! :o Probably lame to suggest my own story but it seems a lot of people have taken a liking to it. It's called Emily's Suicide. Also, a really incredible book and a personal favorite of mine is Death is My BFF by katrocks247. Happy Readin'!