
BOOM!! THE 1975 IN JUST TWO EFFINNGGG DAYS, MANNNN!!!! AND SEEING THEM TWICE. #Sheffield #Doncaster. DRINK, JOKE, SING, SMOKE! Bring it guuuurls ❤❤❤ @TruWoman_Noir @Emiiee @Bextur @Wattoo-94 ❤❤❤


Cheers bellend's. Very helpful -.- HASHTAG ---- NOT!


PHEEEB one boiled egg. // You know what we should dooo? Jaguar! // How is it possible to go to a The 1975 gig (where you can fully perv and become moist over Matty, GDan, Hann & Ross) and pull a random guy in the crowd to snog, sing and dance to Sex with?!?!... What's good @Emiiee Fuuurk. LOLing doooe! ❤


@Bextur It's Jäger, you absolute sack of spuds! Aaaahahaha. And it was you that got us all on it! But yeah, only she could pull a guy at a The 1975 gig. Smooooth cow bag! ;) xx


BOOM!! THE 1975 IN JUST TWO EFFINNGGG DAYS, MANNNN!!!! AND SEEING THEM TWICE. #Sheffield #Doncaster. DRINK, JOKE, SING, SMOKE! Bring it guuuurls ❤❤❤ @TruWoman_Noir @Emiiee @Bextur @Wattoo-94 ❤❤❤


Cheers bellend's. Very helpful -.- HASHTAG ---- NOT!


Anyone be interested in a new Healy story? I've got like, brain block...? :/ (I know, dafuk is that..) But yeah... I can't move on in my Disallowed story just yet, cause my brain is just as useless as chocolate teapot at the moment. Anyone got any idea's? I was thinking like a back story of Healy and Halsey ?(my friend just recently told me about her and I'm kinda  a little like, hooked on her) Hit me with idea's otherwise I'll plod on with this , dudettes :)


@Devonnn_ Have you tried reading @TruWoman_Noir 's? That's like a George/Matty one. Pretty amazeballs. But I guess I could.... What idea's are you thinking of for it? x